Mind Body Spirit Festival Talk - Feng Shui for Wealth

Carol's Feng Shui Talk

June was a very busy month for me and the highlight was my talk at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Brisbane. I met so many lovely people at the Festival.  I had a great crowd for both my talks and everyone really loved the question time. People could ask questions on any part of feng shui, not just feng shui for wealth. It was a real treat to get away from the cold Melbourne weather and into the sunshine and warmth of Brisbane.  

I got chatting to Tarot Readers and Spirit Artists at the show.  I always wonder how they manage to work for long hours in such a busy environment.  But the readers and the artists both said they were on a kind of adrenaline rush during the day, but when they got home, they collapsed in a heap. 


You can read some of my feng shui tips for wealth on my Feng Shui Tips page.  Best wishes, Carol of Sacred Feng Shui Design