Astrological Influences and the Australian Election Limbo - August 2010

In the past week I have had a number of clients email me asking if there were planetary/astrological influences which could explain the Australian Election events. Indeed there were some indicators present in the chart of the time the voting opened on Saturday.

Venus and Mars (female & male) were conjuct (sitting together) on the ascendant (public persona). This indicated female and male were considered of equal stature in the public's eye. Secondly, they were being squared (opposing force) by Pluto. Pluto squared represents power struggles, unseen forces and the underworld. So the power struggle can now be seen. Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott have had their power taken away, and they must now negotiate with the Greens and Independents to gain their power. Of course I am sure there will be some underhand and dirty deals (very plutonic) which will go on behind the scenes to pursuade the other parties.

Also, Mercury went retrograde (it moves closer to the earth) on the day of the election. Mercury retrograde represents confusion, mistakes and delays in all forms of communication and connections. Hence there has been mistakes in the vote count in some electorates. In Chinese Astrology, this is the clash month of the Year of the Tiger, representing change, challenges and conflict. The clash month finishes September 7 so I believe one layer of struggle will be removed. However Mercury remains retrograde until September 13, so the real outcome will be much clearer in the 2nd week of September. Perhaps by then, there will be talk of another vote.

But I must add, whenever Pluto is present in a chart analysis, unseen forces are at hand, so it can be very hard to predict the outcome.

Talk with you soon, Carol G Partridge
Sacred Feng Shui Design