Ben Cousins' Astrology Story

Due to requests from my Australian blog subscribers, I would like to give a little insight into this talented and troubled young man with Chinese Astrology. For overseas subscribers, Ben Cousins was one of Australia's brightest young AFL football players. His career fell apart due to addiction to illegal substances. A controversial and revealing series was shown on Australian TV following this young man's struggle with drugs, fame and football hierachy.

When you look at Ben Cousins' chart, you can see his story reflected in his Chinese 4 Pillars chart. I will give a brief analysis of what I found using simple terminology, to give you a feel of Ben's charms and challenges. Ben was born on 30 June, 1978. Unfortunately I was not able to find his time of birth, so his chart analysis is somewhat incomplete.
  1. Hour Pillar - Yin Water/Water Pig
  2. Month Pillar - Yang Earth/Fire Horse
  3. Year Pillar - Yang Earth/Fire Horse
Ben is Yin Water, which means he can seem quite gentle on the outside, but underneath he can be determined and tenacious achieving his goals. Water people are generally quite restrained and secretive. Water people are not the likely to cry on people's shoulder, or show their real emotions to anyone and everyone, which was quite evident in 'Such is Life'.

Ben has no expression element (wood). Without it, his chart is like a pressure cooker with no outlet valve, the substance abuse became his way to 'let off steam'. Expression element allows us to say how we feel, share our hopes and dreams, and create ..... this element is missing in Ben's chart, so again we see it is not easy for him to reveal all.

Power element is very strong in his chart. Power element drives us, but excessive power can make Ben feel stressed and under pressure. Untill I have his time of birth, it would appear he no foundation element (metal) which is important because it relates to our foundations and our ability to stay grounded and steady during difficult times.

As you can see above, Ben has two Fire Horses in his chart. Imagine a young racehorse at the peak of its physical condition. They are a perfect example of speed and strength, and yet they become so highly strung, the slightest thing can set them off. Horses, will often injure themselves trying to get out of the stable, or kill themselves trying to get over a fence if something spooks them. Symbolically, I see Ben Cousins as that young racehorse, the young stallion strutting round the field, ready to jump the fence at any moment and run wild.

Strong Fire in his chart gives Ben charisma and passion, but when unbalanced can lead to depression, anxiety, insomnia .. a disturbed person. When you light a fire it will consume everything in its path if given enough space and fuel, which is what happened on Ben's week long benders. His chart suggests Ben has hyperactive tendencies, so I feel his addiction to drugs was initially fueled by his need to relax and switch off. He sits on a Travel Star, which is another indicator he would always be restless, needing movement, travel and variety.

Ben sits on a Heaven Star of Virtue which gives him more charisma, success and leadership qualities. Perhaps he could use his leadership qualities to coach kids on drug avoidance. Ben has two Romance Flowers making him attractive to the opposite sex. His chart shows power and fame comes to him without effort, so he would be quite surprised by all the fuss, hype, and media attention he receives.

This year Ben has a harmony combination with the Tiger year and this combination creates more fire. In Ben's chart, fire relates to money, so he will no doubt get good financial return from his TV series. His strong fire and Heaven Star of Virtue all give him the charisma and charm to continue to do well in the public eye such as television, film etc.

Next year, the year of the Rabbit (from Feb 4), will be a good year for Ben. His Romance Flower appears, so he may meet a special lady in December this year, or early next year. The year of the Rabbit also brings his Nobleman, someone who will help him. That person may help him in his new career, or help him find a new direction, or perhaps the new girlfriend will help him in some way. His Academic Star appears also, which will spur him on to study, learn something new, or seek greater understanding of himself.

I wish Ben Cousins well on his life journey. He does not have an easy chart! It will take time and greater understanding of his strengths and weaknesses to balance his life and tap into his true power. I see his early forties will be a time of greater harmony. There are signs he may even move overseas, or away from from his family (interstate) permanently around that time too.

Warm wishes, Carol G Partridge of Sacred Feng Shui Design

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