My Ghost Clearing Adventures

I have to say I really love conducting space clearings for people, especially when a ghost is involved! People ask me 'do you get scared?' No, because I understand ghosts or spirits are just confused earth bound spirits. I consider it a great honour to be able to help them home.

Sometimes the spirit is attached to an object, a person, or the building. I remember a lovely young mother who I shall call Vanessa. Just in the past year, she had been having terrible problems with her teenage daughter. Her daughter had publicly announced on social media sites how much she hated her. I dowsed and found out a troubled male teenage spirit had been hanging around her daughter causing trouble. After I conducted a space clearing, she had no further problems with her daughter, besides the usual teenage frustrations.

I was called to do a space clearing at Gemma's home. She expressed concern her 5 year old son would say 'I don't mean to do bad things Mummy, but the voice tells me to be bad'.

The night before I was to conduct the space clearing, I had a dream about a man welcoming me into his home for a party, and then at the end of the night he walked me to my car. In the dream, I thought I'd better go home now as I had a space clearing to do. When I entered Gemma's home the next day, I saw a photo of her husband and immediately recognised him as the man in my dream. I told Gemma about the dream, and I considered it was a very good sign to be welcomed into the home by her husband. As it turned out, it was Gemma's husband who asked her to get me in to do the space clearing, 'but don't tell anyone' he said! He was concerned about the footsteps he heard on the stairs in the middle of the night.

I found another young male spirit influencing her son, and also some negative energy attached to an old chest of drawers located in his bedroom. Gemma's son no longer talks about hearing voices, and the footsteps in the middle of the night are gone.

Laura contacted me because she was exhausted. Her two children were terrified sleeping alone in their bedrooms. Every night around 4am, they would wake her up and ask her to sleep with them. One night when her husband got a little tipsy, he admitted he was scared to be alone upstairs too.

A few days before my visit, I saw a vision of an old man, very skinny, dark hair, wearing a tartan dressing gown. I gave Laura a call and asked her if she could find out if an old man had owned the home. As soon as I mentioned my vision, she said the whole suburb had a lot of old men living alone. She felt my vision fitted the events and further investigation was not necessary.

On the day of my space clearing, Laura told me her son talked about 'the spaghetti man who would come through the walls at night'. Laura felt my description of a 'skinny old man' was spot on.

I found out the spirit was unaware he was scaring the family, and was quite happy to move on to the other side where friends and family would be waiting. To help build the children's confidence, I made protection pouches filled with sacred herbs which the children could keep beside their bed at night.

I find this work so rewarding! I feel privileged to be able to bring peace to children and parents alike, and to help spirits cross over. I must admit I often get very emotional (and a little teary) when I know the spirit has moved on to a happier place. Please note - all names have been change to protect my clients' privacy.

If you would like to book my services for a space clearing of your home or business, visit my Space Clearing page at Sacred Feng Shui Design.

Copyright © Sacred Feng Shui Design 2010